
Saturday, June 17, 2017

We made it to Spring Creek without many issues except for a rain shower. The trailers were tarped down pretty good so no water damage in Nevada, but by the time we got to Bend Oregon it was raining hard and the tarps had started to loosen up causing things to get pretty wet and a little dirty. Hopefully things will clean up pretty good though.

Melissa had a great dinner made when we got to her house and it was delicious (we were starving) and plentiful. Pearl and I went to bed early since we have been on the go for several days to get moved out, and loaded up for the trip.

The second day in Spring Creek was pretty relaxing, and we got to go out to dinner at Ronnie & Melissa's favorite restaurant (a sushi restaurant) and we all had a delicious meal. Alex wanted to go to McDonald's but changed his mind after tasting how good the food was, I wish I had thought to take some pictures of it as it was that good.

Unloaded some stuff in Spring Creek and headed out to Oregon. The video shows part of the trip up to the Thousand Trails campground we stayed in (Bend/Sunriver RV Campground). It was a great trip and the campground was very roomy and nice but the next leg up and over the mountain on highway 22 to Salem Oregon was really magnificent. It rained and rained hard, but the road through the mountains was simply Outstanding. I haven't checked the video yet but it has to be really good. I will post it in a couple of days.

If I can remember, I will also get some video the kids and grandkids while we are here. I totally forgot when we all met and unloaded the trailers. I have totally forgotten every time someone has come over to visit and Sunday we are all meeting at Lance and Lisa's for a home cooked Salomon feast that Lance is preparing for Father's Day. Hopefully I won't forget again but it is certainly possible.

Until next time, enjoy the video and just remember that I am just learning how to do this stuff so it is still pretty rough around the edges. Hopefully I will get a little better at it and Pearl will still approve the drone purchase and I can have a really fun time flying the drone with the camera and editing my aerial photography....


  1. I really enjoyed this video. Great to hear the first leg of you trip was so successful and beautiful. I am sure SOMEONE at the gathering at Lance's house will remind you that you are supposed to take a video so all the relatives following your blog can see them too! Yum that salmon feast sound delicious!

    1. Hi Sis, I can't believe how much these kids have grown and we haven't even seen Jared yet. He is almost 6 ft tall I am told. I sure wish I had gotten some video of Alex also as he has really matured and is turning into a man instead of a boy and it won't be long before they are all grown up.

      I will get some pictures and videos Sunday I promise or Pearl will likely wring my neck.

    2. and hello back to you Steve (goodness that is hard to leave the "i" out!) I enjoy reading your and Jinxi's posts here too!

    3. Ditto on hard to leave that "i" out. It is still there in my mind every-time I say or think his name, but I edit it out most of the time. Stevie is still Stevie to me no matter how it is spelled/Said. Even with that big old beard he still has his Stevie Smile.

    4. When I see "Steve Caddel" I used to have to look at the picture to see if my brother or my nephew wrote the post. My nephew is WAY AHEAD of my brother Steve in replies so now I can pretty well assume without looking at the picture!Stevie is just like me still besing Tonnie to some and you are still Bobby to some of your aunts and uncles. We would probably still answer to these names because they are said in love. :-) I do remember coming home from college once and started correcting people that my name was Tonya and not Tonnie. That was another open door for brothers to start teasing/aggravating me! I have tried to educate my granddaughters in why their brothers do some of the things they do and how they can avoid some of it. Love you all!

  2. Oh man, that video was great. You are getting good at all the effects :)

    I cannot believe how close that deer came to getting it, so glad it made it across. We love Bend, it is a great place and I agree that drive over the mountains towards Salem (or Eugene where our place is) is so beautiful. Have fun with Lance and the family. We love you both and are excited for you that your adventure has officially started.

    1. I thought for sure the deer (antelope I think) was going to be splattered on the road for sure. That dash camera is pretty neat.

      It sure will make it an easy decision to travel up to this area if you and Jinxi (and maybe some of the kids) move up into the Portland/Eugene area in the next few years. Having all of you up in this area and Melissa and her family in Elko will all but lock in our traveling up here regularly a easy decision.

      As mentioned above, next time we are together, make sure I don't forget to take some videos. I always enjoy visiting so much I totally forget about taking pictures until we are gone and I don't have any new pictures of everyone. Thanks for your comments also

    2. I kept stopping your video while Britt and I talked about if we thought the deer was going to be hit or not.

  3. We really enjoy your awesome videos and it's always so fun to see the "live action!" I'm so happy that the antelope made it across in time too. Whew...that was a close one!

    It's so cool that you stayed outside of Bend. We really love it there (and pretty much everywhere in Oregon). The terrain and landscape outside of Bend always reminds us of the look of Reno.

    Have a fantastic time in Washington and keep the posts and videos coming! Love you guys!


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