
Sunday, January 14, 2018

Medina Lake then down to the Rio Grande Valley

We are down in the Rio Grande Valley now and the weather is nice. It has been windy, but I think that is normal down here. It hasn't hit freezing yet but has gone into the 30's a couple of times at night. We often use the heater in the morning and the air conditioner just a couple of hours later. The saying here is that this is the only place where you can get Frost Bite and Sun Burn in the same week. That pretty much covers the winter weather situation in just a couple of words.

That being said, overall the weather has been great. We get to walk the dog everyday and usually in shorts and t-shirt. The only downside for me is the RV Parks are all pretty much asphalt, cement and a little grass. Unfortunately there are not situated on lakes, forest or anything like that, which would be much more to our liking. We do get to meet lots of friendly people and there plenty of activities going on in each park, but we have to venture out of the park a lot more to keep entertained, as shuffleboard, pickleball, dances and pot-luck dinners are nice but not exactly what we enjoy doing a lot of.

Luckily, we have found quite a few places to go to and things to do, so it has worked out pretty well. We briefly showcased a couple of the places we have visited in this video and as we find more and varied interesting things to do, we will probably be able to add some fun and color to the our activity videos.

We will be in the Rio Grande Valley until the middle of March, when we head back North. We have our route and schedule planned out from here up to North Eastern Missouri arriving there in late May for the Escapees RV Rally which we like to go to (usually in Tucson AZ). From there, we are hoping to meet up with Robert and Esme in Indianapolis, checking out Niagara Falls, New England, several Civil War sites and Canada before heading down toward Florida for next winter.

Without much more adieu, I give you our next video as it paints a much better picture of where we're at and what we have been up to. Hope you enjoy and hopefully the weather stays nice and we get to do lots of fun stuff which we will definitely try to get some pictures/video to post. Thanks for watching and Stay Warm, where ever you at.

Bob & Pearl


  1. Yay for you for trying guacamole. :D Now just to try more sushi. :D

    1. Good Idea!
      I like to try something new about every 10 years, so I better get Sushi on the Calendar for early 2028. With my memory, I know I would forget it if I didn't write it down and that would be really unfortunate.

  2. LOL, that would be really unfortunate :)

    That is cool that it snowed a bit. Medina Lake sure looks beautiful. I have never seen a white deer before, that was neat. I sure have so many memories of our trip to South Padre Island as a kid, that trip really resonated in my memory for some reason, maybe because it was so much fun.

    Love you both so much.

  3. Definitely one of if not the best Vacation we had when you & Lance we’re kids. Hard to believe that was over 40 years ago..

    Hope everyone is doing well, love you All


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