
Friday, October 6, 2017

September 2017 Expenses

We are camped out at Bay Landing campground located on the shores of Bridgeport lake in Texas. It has been a nice quiet day so I decided to get the September numbers together and post them on the blog. Then Pearl gave me a list of chores that needed doing, so it has taken all day, but I finally got it done (as well as the chores)

We covered a lot of miles is September and a couple of extra maintenance items which when combined, blew our estimates out of the water. Our average monthly expense went over $5,000 this month but hopefully it will come back down over the next few months to balance it all out , so hopefully we can keep the projected average a little under $50,000 per year.

We are planning to review the medicare supplemental insurance plans that are available to folks that travel around the country using doctors in different states. If we can find something that we can afford that provides some acceptable coverages we will most likely purchase it. If so, that will most likely put us well over the target of $50,000 so we will most likely have to realistically raise our target to around $60,000 from that point on.

Hopefully the video will help anyone thinking about doing something similar, so here are our September Expenses broken out by line item.

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