
Thursday, October 26, 2017

Starting our trip down to the Cousins Reunion

We have had a great time in Texas so far, once we left Britney and Cody's home in Dumas, we went to the Thousand Trails Bridgeport campground. This is a really nice campground and it's right on the lake. While we were here, we contacted Shannon and George and were able to go have lunch with them and picked up the kids after choir practice. We had a great day and it was quite enjoyable visiting with them and learning all the interesting things the kids are up to. Plus we got to ride on the Zip Line they have in their back yard. Thanks for a fun day.

After a week at Bridgeport we headed to Lake Texhoma for a week. We really did enjoy this campground and it is one of our favorite in the Thousand trails list of campgrounds. After talking to Tonya, we decided to leave a day early so we could stop at Natalie and Jon's "Hole in the Wall" restaurant in Rochester, which is about half way to Snyder. We met Tonya at a little one horse town and she left her car and rode the rest of the way with us in the motorhome to Rochester. We are so proud of the job they have done in building their business. The food was great and I am so glad we were able to make this stop as it has been a while since I have got to visit with Natalie and Jon. Thanks for lunch and a really nice afternoon.

Once we made it to Snyder, we had several days of visiting and Britt took us to make a couple of clay pots at the college and even cut up Geode Rocks for Pearl and made her a pendant from a pretty rock he had in his collection. You will enjoy watching Pearl make her pot, but I won't spoil the ending, you will have to watch the video.

The final couple of days were spend at our Cousins Reunion. Tonya, Connie and Paul all brought some of their families that were available and we had dinner at the campground then  breakfast, lunch and dinner at Connie's the next day. It has been 50 years since I have seen Connie and several years since I have seen Paul plus there were kids, spouses and nephews that all joined in the event.

We have had a great October and hope you can get a feel of how much fun it is from the video, but just in case it doesn't come through clearly. WE ARE HAVING THE TIME OF OUR LIVES, retirement and family go well together.

Enjoy the video.


  1. Very special video to me! Thanks for capturing these videos along with all the time and editing involved. Pearl may win the “Coolest Great Aunt” award! I enjoyed the surprise dedication at the end!

  2. Pearl will wear her "Coolest Great Aunt" award proudly, she got a big smile on her face when I read that to her. We love making the videos especially since we have such great relatives to Star in them.

    So Glad You Enjoyed Watching.

  3. Wow, it sure looks like you all had a great time. All of those lakes you have visited so far look beautiful. Glad you all had a such a good time at the cousins reunion, looked like a good turn out.

    I can't wait to see how all the pottery turned out after you go back to Texas on your way back out west next year.

    Love you both so much, thanks for sharing all the stories with us so we can feel like we are there with you.


  4. Wow! That was such a great video. We really enjoyed watching it and seeing all of the awesome adventures that happened on this leg of the tour. Loved seeing Pearl on the zipline, and it was really fun to watch you both create pottery too. The cousin reunion was fantastic and really cool to learn about so many family members there. We also loved the footage of the lake house. What an incredible place - it is so beautiful! Thanks for all of the work that you put into the video. The music was a fantastic compliment and the editing was perfect. The views from the drone's eye are the best! It looks like you guys are continuing to have a blast!! Keep the posts coming. Love you lots!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. When are y’all heading to Medina Lake. We will be there over Thanksgivings.

  7. Hi Chris
    We won't be getting to Medina Lake until December, we are a little worried about the Colorado River campground in Columbus TX. They were flooded pretty bad from the hurricane and I don't think they have fully opened up all of their sites yet so we may have to make some scheduling changes if we can't get a site at Colorado River campground. We have our fingers crossed though.

    Let us know what you think about the Medina Lake campground, I hear it is pretty nice with a lot of deer wandering around so we will enjoy that but we haven't ever been there before.

  8. Will do, the wife and I hope to run into y’all one day, until then keep up the great YouTube.

    1. We look forward to meeting you and your wife and also will be looking for your thoughts on Medina Lake and any other comments on Thousand Trails campgrounds.


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