
Thursday, December 7, 2017

Medina Lake, Texas

We arrived at Medina Lake on Monday and lucked out with getting one of the best sites in the campground. Our front window looks out over the lake and although it has been raining all day Wednesday and Thursday we have enjoyed sitting in the RV and surfing the internet, playing with the dog and cat while they go crazy watching the deer walking around outside.

If you look hard, you can find a deer either hiding in the trees or often just walking around. They are semi tame and apparently some eat corn right out of your hand or at least from the ground right beside you. None have come close to us while we were out walking around, but they definitely don't run away either. I am sure it will get old before we leave but they have been a fun diversion today.

We are looking forward to going to San Antonio in a couple of days. We had a great time the last time we were here about  10 years ago and look forward to another couple of fun day trips. I think it is about  30 or 40 miles so not too bad of a drive.

This is our last Lake campground before heading down about 300 miles to the Rio Grande Valley in South Texas for 3 months. We have really enjoyed all the campsites as well as friends and family that we have got to visit with in Texas, but we are already starting to look forward to heading out this spring. That will be a whole new adventure. We are just starting to try and figure out our route for 2018

The rain is supposed to end tonight, so we will probably post another video in a few days once it dries out a bit but here is the video of leaving our last campsite on the Colorado River and setting up here at Medina Lake.

Hope you enjoy it and maybe it puts a smile on your face.



  1. Hi Melissa, The Sun is back out and shinning so we will be able to get out and enjoy it a today. Looking forward to a nice and relaxing week or two here before heading down south. Tell the guys howdy for us.

  2. You would love the deer and squirrels running all around.

  3. What did Tinker think about the snow? Is she the play and explore type dog or don't make me go out and walk in that cold stuff? Glad to hear the sun is out for you today!

  4. Great day today, the sun is shining and it puts a whole outlook on life. Tinker loved the snow, it was her first time at snow and she loved it, but if I have anything to say about it she won't get too many experiences with it.

    Pearl made a cooking video today and it turned out pretty good. All of our hi speed internet is used up so the regular speed just takes too long to upload but we found a library not too far away with free internet where I think we can go and upload the video, so thanks for the great idea and we will post it in a day or two as soon as we can make it to the library.


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