
Sunday, December 10, 2017

Are You Hungry?

Well, it may not be as delicious as Steve's BBQ Ribs, but Pearl decided to do a cooking video and her first shot at it was her "Zesty Grilled Vegetables". Not a real attention get'ter for a true Texan but trust me, they are pretty dawg gone good viddels.

I didn't expect the video to get much attention on YouTube but she is my wife and I like to keep her happy and I definitely enjoy her cooking just about anything, so I grabbed the camera and off we went. Well it has gotten more video views and thumbs up than any video we have posted on YouTube in the first day (really less than half a day) so I figured I better put a link over here on the blog.

Every thing I have read about YouTube says you have to have what they call "Click Bait". I don't know if it is featuring Pearl instead of me or the actual "Healthy Vegetables" but what ever it is, if we want to monetize our videos on YouTube, we need more of it.....

OK, all kidding aside, you just might want to try the Zesty Grilled Vegetables featured in the cooking video. Adjust the seasoning as you see fit, but after viewing the video, I think you will see how you might be able to add a little Zest in your healthy diet menu.

Hope you enjoy the video and give us a thumbs up over on YouTube if you enjoy the vegetables.

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