
Tuesday, March 28, 2017

The California Caddel Clan (CCC) in Riverside

The link above is to a movie Aidan made for a class he took last year at Riverside Community College. He had to do the script, acting, filming, music & editing and I think he did one heck of a job. This year he is assigned to a team that will be using professional equipment and doing the same thing.

Very Impressive Aidan.

We had a fun day visiting with Steve & Jinxi catching up on their plans for the future. Lots going on in the Southern (and Central) California Caddel family. 

I know several of you have asked what the California Caddel Clan (CCC) has on their agenda for the future so I thought I would try and do a short synopsis of some of their Plans and Dreams that they shared with us. I will undoubtedly get some of it wrong and confused so take what I write here with that in mind and forgive me if I get some of it wrong. Maybe we will get some updates and corrections in the comments section from some of the members of the CCC
  1. The ladies seem to have the biggest agendas so here is what I remember about Jinxi and Brynn

  • Jinxi just received her master's degree in psychology and and plans to continue with her studies specializing in Drug & Alcohol Abuse, Addiction, Counseling and Education. I think there are another couple of years of schooling left for her Doctoral Program, with the last year being in Portland Oregon. Both Steve and Jinxi love the Portland area and it seems there is a pretty good chance they will end up permanently relocating in the Portland area. Jinxi will be licensed and certified in this area of psychology and wants to do work in this field. I think her dream job would be with helping elite athletes. Jinxi herself is a pretty hi-level swimmer and still regularly competes at a pretty strong level with both men and women competitions.
  • Brynn is finishing up her Degree at UC Davis but instead of graduating this spring she is taking another semester to participate in a couple of more advanced classes. If I understand it correctly she is majoring in Advanced Mathematics and Physics. She plans to continue her education several more years but not sure which institute she will go to next. I think Brynn is wanting to focus on research and I have heard Canada has some select institutes that she is interested in, so stand by for more info on her next stage of learning.

  • Steve finished his law degree many years ago and didn't plan on sitting in any more classrooms, but you can see he is getting a taste for some higher education also. He is thinking about following along in Jinxi's direction and taking some of the same classes for Drug and Alcohol abuse and counseling as he said "She is studying all the time and I am surrounded by all this information so I am getting the education anyway" so I think he figured he just as well make it official and get his licensing and certifications also. My guess is they may very well open their own business along these lines sometime in the next few years up in the Portland area.

  • Shea is completing his 2 years at Riverside Community College and he is following in some of the same general areas as his mom. We didn't get to see Aidan or Shea as they were in school so I didn't get as much info as I would have liked, but my understanding he is wanting to be a Physical Therapist. He is wanting to work with patients who are recovering from surgery, or other injuries and disabilities. After he receives his bachelor's degree in kinesiology, he will start working on his master degree, and then eventually his PhD which is necessary to be a licensed physical therapist. The last time I talked to him, I think he even mentioned he thought it would be fun if he and his mom had their own business; with Shea training the physical body and Jinxi helping with the mental portion of the athlete. Sounds like a full service training facility.

  • Aidan is taking classes centered around the film industry. As you can tell from the movie that I posted the link to above that he is really learning a lot. That movie was done with his cell phone. As Jinxi told us, you can see how he sets the scenes up, and the different filming techniques he used that most of us don't really think of when we make our home videos. Aidan has been trained in the use of the expensive professional cameras and now he can check them out from the college to use in making more films as he advances to higher levels and projects.

I hope I got most of my facts correct and if nothing else at least  by typing it out it helps me keep it a little more clear in my own mind.  


  1. Enjoyed the post and especially Aidan's movie. Lots of talent displayed there! Thanks for sharing.

    1. I agree, we really enjoyed Aidans movie, as you can see in the more detailed post, it sounds like Aidan really has a creative gene and enjoys learning creative things. I think he has a fun and exciting career ahead of him.

  2. It was so much fun to see you both and hear about all of your great plans for the future as you travel around the country having fun. We look forward to following the adventure from our desks and learning about all the cool places you visit.

    I think you got pretty much everything right in your synopsis above. Who knows how it will all play out, but we are all having fun figuring it out as we go.

    Love you all so much.

  3. Thanks Steve, we will be pulling for all the CCC as you all have some big but doable Goals set.

  4. Thanks so much for your kind words and wonderful blog! All of us appreciate it so much and we are so grateful for your support and love! It was such a fun day getting to spend time with you both and we are so happy that we got to catch up and learn about all of your exciting plans! We can't wait to read many more blogs about your travels and are so excited that our family got to be included in one of your awesome updates! Thanks again for everything! We love you so much!! Safe travels and good luck getting the house sold too! =)

    1. Big 10-4 on Selling that house! Love you all and we are really proud parents/grandparents....

  5. PS - Shea's ultimate career plan is to become a physical therapist, so he will work with athletes, as well as patients who are recovering from surgery, or other injuries and disabilities. After he receives his bachelor's degree in kinesiology, he will start working on his master's degree, and then eventually his PhD (which is now necessary to be a licensed physical therapist). He's really enjoying his classes and has a real knack for anatomy, biology, and all of those challenging classes. =) Thanks again for including us all in your fantastic blog! We love you!

  6. I see these were posted several days ago but I just saw them. I get an email notification when you make a new post but I guess not when you edit a previous post or someone make a comment. Glad I noticed it as I was clicking through tabs left open in my browser. I really enjoyed reading all of the exciting goals of the CCC members of the family!


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